From making sure your dog stays safe, to letting people around them know they’re hard of hearing to giving them toys that will offer sound-free stimulation, there are loads of deaf dog accessories out there designed to enrich your dog’s wellbeing.
Owning a pet is a huge responsibility – and owning a pet with special needs is even more so.
Regardless of whether your canine companion has started to suffer from hearing loss, or if you’ve decided to adopt a deaf puppy or rescue a hard-of-hearing older dog, the first thing you’re going to need to do is have a look at all the deaf dog products out there to help keep your best friend safe and sound.
By and large, as humans, we’re used to using sound to communicate with our pets. And when we take the element of sound out of the equation, it can be really confusing to know where to start; for example, how do you get a deaf dog’s attention if they’re not looking at you? How can you keep them safe? And how do you alert other people to the fact that your dog is hard of hearing when you’re out and about? Fortunately there are loads of deaf dog supplies out there to help you do all of these things – and more! (And just so you know, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases if you click through any of the links to Amazon.)
Deaf Dog Collar Tag
There are a number of different options if you’re looking for a deaf dog collar tag – our suggestion would be to choose one that makes it super obvious that your dog has hearing issues without people having to get too close to them to find out. Amazon has some great ones that make it really easy for people to see that your pooch is hard of hearing like the ones we’ve found below:
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Though these deaf dog collar tags are useful when you’re out for walkies, they really come into their own if your dog escapes the safety of your yard or home and runs off. Combined with normal tags that have your contact details engraved on them, the additional ‘I’m deaf’ tag will hopefully encourage anyone who finds your dog to get in touch with you immediately, rather than just leaving your dog to wander – particularly in areas with high traffic. Depending on the color of your dog, one like the ones below might stand out better for even more added safety.
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Vibration Collar for Deaf Dog
Have you ever wondered how a deaf person knows when they are getting a text on their phone? Since they can’t hear ringtones, they most likely have their phone set to vibrate.
The same idea applies to a vibration collar for deaf dogs.
The vibrating collar like the one pictured below allows you to press a button on the remote to get your dog’s attention. The device sends a small vibration to your dog – don’t worry though, it’s not a painful shock like the shock collars that some people use for training. Having a vibration collar can be useful in dog parks or other off-leash areas when you want to get your dog’s attention but calling their name obviously isn’t an option.
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When you first begin to use the vibrating collar with your deaf dog, it is better to ease your dog into it by first pressing it against their leg or back instead of placing it immediately on their neck. This is especially true if your dog is a rescued pup with an unclear history – you don’t want the collar to cause them distress or make them panic.
As you press the button to make the collar vibrate, get your dog to look at you. With a little love and persistence you’ll be able to demonstrate that the collar won’t hurt them and that it’s designed to get them to look at you.
One thing to be sure of though is to get one that suits the size of your canine companion – a collar that delivers a suitable vibration to get the attention of a 40lb dog will be way too strong for a 5lb dog, so check the weight suggestions before you make our purchase and check out the reviews to see what people who have already bought the collar you’re interested in are saying.
Deaf Dog Vest or Deaf Dog Harness – which is best?
If you routinely take your dog with you in public places, you might prefer a vest or harness that allows more people to clearly understand that your dog can’t hear, without them needing to get up close to your dog. Whether a deaf dog vest or a deaf dog harness like the ones pictured below is better really does depend on your preference, what your dog is most comfortable in and even what time of year it is as a vest may also help to keep your dog warm in cooler months. Amazon also has this great t-shirt, which is another awesome option ☺
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Toys for Deaf Dogs
Obviously your deaf dog is going to have a lot of fun playing with a lot of the same toys that a dog with normal hearing would. But there are also a lot of great toys designed to give your dog extra visual and olfactory stimulation to make up for the lack of auditory stimulation. Stuff like light-up balls, scented chew bones, light-up Frisbees, and toys that dispense treats are all great toys for your deaf dog and will help to avoid the problem of them becoming under-stimulated and therefore bored and destructive, which can be a common problem in deaf dogs.
Check out some of our fun favourites on our Toys for Deaf Dogs page.
Living with a Deaf Dog; Challenging but Rewarding
Many dog breeds are prone to deafness – particularly piebald dogs, which are dogs that have patches of two different colors. The two colors are usually black and white, meaning dalmatians and pit bulls are two breeds who are commonly born deaf. Shelters are full of unwanted pit bulls with full hearing, so you can imagine how rare it is to find an adopter for a deaf pit bull.
Learning to communicate with, and relate to, a deaf dog can be an adjustment, but with the right accessories and toys you can make sure that your best friend has everything they need to be happy and safe.
More Deaf Dog Accessories
For the cooler weather, this deaf dog coat is perfect for keeping warm and letting people know Fido is hard of hearing :
– waterproof
– fleece lined
– reflective strips for increased visibility at night
– multiple sizes to suit most breeds
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Have a canine Houdini and you’re worried about your best friend getting lost? A GPS might be just what you need :
– nationwide GPS tracking (in the US)
– good battery life
– monitor your pet’s activity
– works with an app on your phone
– attaches securely to most collars
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If you want to make sure that your dog can’t dash out of the car when you’re out and about, there are a great range of car harnesses available.
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